For those of you who are wishing to refresh your Advanced Communication Skills Training, we have just the course!
Our course is delivered in three sections, all designed to enhance your skills and enable you to reflect on practice – hence the word ‘plus’ in the title! We believe that this will lead to more consolidation of skills and lead to a deeper level of learning.
The first part is a half day online refresher didactic session, taught by facilitators from OxCERPC. Group size is approximately 14, and during this session we will recap skills taught on your original ACST course – cue-based conversations, having critical conversations, being authentic at work etc.
The second part is self-directed, and you will have a period of 6 weeks to watch recordings from experts in particular areas of care e.g. organ donation, intimacy, bereavement etc.
And thirdly there will be a 2 hour reflective session for all delegates to share their learning and discuss how to transfer new learning back into practice.
Who I this course for? anyone who completed the ACST course over a year ago (this does not have to have been completed through OxCERPC)
Taught day : 13 October 2023, 09.00-13.00
Reflective session: 1 December 2023, 09.00-11.30
Location: virtual
CPD Credits:
+ Speakers
KATE BUTCHER is the Education Lead at OxCERPC and a nurse specialist within the hospice. She has many years experience of District Nursing and community practice development, working with staff in care homes, primary care and acute settings.
Alongside facilitation of learning in a range of holistic palliative care topics, Kate has been delivering communication skills training for over 12 years now at every level of competence (foundation, intermediate, advanced). She was instrumental in the move to delivery online of Advanced Communication Skills Training: Blended Version. In the development of this new course, Kate is hoping to enhance colleague's skill sets to deliver even better care to their patients
Bereavement Care and Voluntary Services Lead in Palliative Care
Srinder is a registered nurse who has worked in the field of palliative care for 30 years. She holds a BA(Hons) in Palliative Care and a PGC in Working with Bereaved People, as well as qualifications in teaching and CBT. Her career has involved all aspects of hospice care, from providing direct hands-on care for patients, managing an inpatient unit to running family and bereavement services. In her previous position as Head of Family Support Services she was successful in expanding the service to support young children and teenagers pre and post-bereavement. She has a keen interest and experience in delivering communication skills training courses at foundation and advanced levels to health care professionals and volunteers.
In her role as Bereavement Care and Voluntary Services Lead at Sobell House and Katharine House Hospices she is responsible for the strategic management of both bereavement and voluntary services, including the recruitment, training and supervision of volunteer bereavement support workers and companions.
+ Course Programmes
DAY 1 13 OCTOBER 2023
09.00-09.15 Welcome, course overview etc
09.15 – 09.45 How do we want to be ‘seen’ by patients/relatives?
09.45-10.30 What do patients want?
10.30 – 10.45 BREAK
10.45-11.45 SKILLS part 1
>Breaking bad news
• Whose agenda?
• Giving & receiving
• Chunking & checking
11.45-12.45 SKILLS part 2
>Empathy & authenticity
>Facilitating & blocking
12.45-12.50 ICE
12.50 – 13.00 Closing thoughts