From: Thu 22 Feb, 2024
To:Fri 23 Feb, 2024


Still, an opportunity to avail of this education - until June 15, 2024.

Watch at a time that suits you! Recordings afford an opportunity to pause, reflect, look up the reference or watch a section of the teaching again.

This course complements the Oxford Advanced Pain and Symptom Management course. Speakers are invited from other specialties in medicine, bringing their expertise to update our medical knowledge and enhance the practice of palliative medicine.

Feedback from 2024

Location: Virtual

Educational Credits: Code: 147364 (8 CPD points)

+ Venue

Virtual Zoom course

+ Speakers

Confirmed speakers
Mr Mark Bignell, consultant in emergency colorectal and inflammatory bowel disease surgery.
Mark Bignell graduated from St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Medical school in 2001 and undertook his higher general surgical training in Wessex with a subspecialty interest in Colorectal surgery. He was awarded the ASGBI prize for outstanding performance at the Intercollegiate Examination in General Surgery in 2016. He undertook a fellowship in inflammatory bowel disease in Oxford before accepting a substantive consultant post at the same institution.

Dr Matthew Brook, Renal Physician
Dr Brook is a consultant nephrologist and transplant physician. Dr Brook trained in Oxford and completed a DPhil in 2006 about transplant immunology.

Dr Tim Cooksley, Consultant in Acute Medicine at the Manchester University Foundation Trust and Honorary Consultant at The Christie.
Tim is delighted to be the President for SAM. Tim has been leading developing an acute medicine service at a specialist tertiary cancer hospital. He is a member of safer@home – the first pan European acute medicine research collaborative and the SAMBA Academy. His main interests include Oncological emergencies, readmissions and improving patient safety through benchmarking.

Dr James Fullerton, clinical pharmacologist
Dr James Fullerton is Associate Professor of Clinical Therapeutics in the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS) at the University of Oxford, and Honorary Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology and Acute General Medicine at the John Radcliffe (JR) Hospital.

Dr Fullerton’s research focuses on the use of experimental medicine studies to promote scientific translation for patient benefit. He is an expert in the design, development and use of human immune challenge (HIC) models, employing these to explore fundamental biology, interrogate immune variance and unravel the interplay between disease and immune dysregulation. He has a particular interest in how HIC can be employed in translational/early clinical drug development to establish mechanistic proof-of-concept and tissue-based pharmacology of both established (enabling repurposing) and novel therapeutics, seeking to enable and catalyse the work of both academic and industrial partners. Clinically, he is interested in understanding the host immune response to inflammatory stimuli, most notably infection, and how this can inform decision making in the context of acute, unscheduled care episodes.

He Chairs the JR Medicines Management and Therapeutics Committee, is Lead for Education in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics at Oxford Medical School, Co-Lead for the Academic Specialised Foundation Programme (Thames Valley), an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at UCL, Executive Editor for the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Supernumerary Fellow at St Hilda’s College. He is co-author of the leading textbook Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology.

Dr Laura Nohavicka, Specialist Palliative Care Paediatrician
Dr Nohavicka is a consultant in Paediatric Palliative Medicine at Helen and Douglas House, Oxford with sessions in young adult palliative care within adult services in Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. Dr Nohavicka is the Education Lead for the Association Paediatric Palliative Medicine.

Dr Paolo Polzella, Haematologist
Dr Polzella is a consultant Haematologist subspecialising in immunohematology and transfusion medicine.

Dr Rustam Rea, Consultant Acute General Medicine and Diabetes and Endocrinology
Dr Rea has been a diabetes consultant for over 10 years and has a particular interest in improving the organisation of care for people with Diabetes to achieve the best outcomes. This has involved linking patients, GPs and hospitals together to work collaboratively and provide integrated care for patients throughout Oxfordshire. His more recent role as Director of Patient Safety and Clinical Effectiveness has enabled him to focus on learning from patient safety incidents and ensure that systems are in place to share the learning and improvements across the Trust.

Dr Jane Wale, Consultant in Palliative Medicine and Lead Medical Examiner at Milton Keynes University Hospital.
Jane Wale is a Consultant in Palliative Medicine and Lead Medical Examiner at Milton Keynes University Hospital. Her specialist interests include human factors in healthcare, communication skills training, and tissue and organ donation.
Outside of work she enjoys long muddy walks with her family, cycling and gardening


Dr Mary Miller - Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Sobell House - Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Medicine, University of Oxford - Director OxCERPC (Oxford Centre for education and research in palliative care)
Mary qualified from University College Cork, Ireland in 1988. Mary trained and worked in palliative medicine in Ireland, Sweden and the UK and has been a consultant in palliative medicine in Oxford since 1998. Mary has a strong interest in education; completing a Diploma in Learning and Teaching at Oxford University 2005, was Training Programme Director and Regional Specialty Advisor (2002 – 2008) and has led the Oxford Advanced Courses in Pain and Symptom Management since 2005. Mary is an elected member of the Education Committee of the Association of Palliative Medicine and joint lead of the postgraduate education special interest forum. Since the inception of OxCERPC in 2017, Mary and the team are focusing on building an exciting portfolio of courses, building research readiness and reaching out to practitioners across the globe.

Dr Victoria Hedges , Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Sobell House, Oxford
Dr Victoria Hedges is a consultant in palliative medicine based within the team at Oxford University Hospitals primarily in the hospice inpatient units. She qualified from the University of Oxford in 2010 and undertook higher training in palliative medicine in the Thames Valley region. Her clinical practice encompasses all aspects of specialist palliative medicine, with interests in medicines management, education and supportive care.

+ Course Programmes

Day 1

09:20 Welcome and Introduction
09:30 Deprescribing Update, Dr James Fullerton
10:30 Break
10:40 Acute medicine and Oncology, Dr Tim Cooksley
11:40 Break
11:50 Surgery, Mr Mark Bignell
12:50 Break
13:15 Renal Update, Dr Matt Brook
14:15 Wrap up, Dr Victoria Hedges
14:30 End of day 1

Day 2

09:20 Welcome and Introduction
09:30 Haematology Update, Dr Paolo Polzella
10:30 Break
10:45 Transition Update, Dr Laura Nohavicka
11:45 Break
12.30 Diabetes management, Dr Rustam Rea
13:30 Break
13:40 Eye donation from palliative and hospice care contexts: the EDiPPPP mixed-methods study, Dr Jane Wale
14:40 Wrap up, Dr Victoria Hedges
14:50 End of course

+ Course Aims

The course aims to refresh and build your knowledge and skills in medicine to enable you to transfer your knowledge back to your clinical care

By attending this course you will:
• Have an opportunity to enjoy learning with your colleagues
• Develop knowledge and skills to support your clinical judgments and enable discussions with your patients and those they love
• Have an opportunity to discuss with experts and your colleagues so that you can apply specialty knowledge to palliative medicine
• Be supported to bring your learning back to your organisation
• Have an opportunity to network with your peers

Key benefits include:
• A high standard of professional knowledge
• Excellent teaching
• Time for questions, discussion and building your networks
• Support to set educational goals for the coming year
• Superb value for money
• Experienced and enthusiastic administrative staff
• Focus on participants, not profit – any surplus ploughed back into education