From: Thu 30 Jan, 2025
To:Fri 31 Jan, 2025


In stock

Worried that your medical knowledge may no longer be at the cutting edge, that you have not heard about the latest major advance or that your patients are missing out? Then, this is the course for you!

OxCERPC recognises the need for doctors working in palliative medicine to stay abreast of changes in medical practice. Each year we develop a bespoke programme - no two years are the same. We have successfully run this course since 2002.

Speakers are invited from other specialties in medicine, bringing their expertise to update our medical knowledge and enhance the practice of palliative medicine. This course complements the Oxford Advanced Pain and Symptom Management course.

Join the course and avail of opportunities to ask questions and be part of discussion. Alternatively, watch at a time that suits you! Recordings will be made available to all delegates, affording an opportunity to pause, reflect, look up the reference or watch a section of the teaching again.

Feedback from 2024; Thank you!

Location: Virtual

Educational Credits: Code: TBC (Expected 8 CPD points)

+ Venue

Virtual Zoom course

+ Speakers

2025 programme in development

+ Course Programmes

Example programme from 2024:
Day 1

09:20 Welcome and Introduction
09:30 Deprescribing Update, Dr James Fullerton
10:30 Break
10:40 Acute medicine and Oncology, Dr Tim Cooksley
11:40 Break
11:50 Surgery, Mr Mark Bignell
12:50 Break
13:15 Renal Update, Dr Matt Brook
14:15 Wrap up, Dr Victoria Hedges
14:30 End of day 1

Day 2

09:20 Welcome and Introduction
09:30 Haematology Update, Dr Paolo Polzella
10:30 Break
10:45 Transition Update, Dr Laura Nohavicka
11:45 Break
12.30 Diabetes management, Dr Rustam Rea
13:30 Break
13:40 Eye donation from palliative and hospice care contexts: the EDiPPPP mixed-methods study, Dr Jane Wale
14:40 Wrap up, Dr Victoria Hedges
14:50 End of course

+ Course Aims

The course aims to refresh and build your knowledge and skills in medicine to enable you to transfer your knowledge back to your clinical care

By attending this course you will:
• Have an opportunity to enjoy learning with your colleagues
• Develop knowledge and skills to support your clinical judgments and enable discussions with your patients and those they love
• Have an opportunity to discuss with experts and your colleagues so that you can apply specialty knowledge to palliative medicine
• Be supported to bring your learning back to your organisation
• Have an opportunity to network with your peers

Key benefits include:
• A high standard of professional knowledge
• Excellent teaching
• Time for questions, discussion and building your networks
• Support to set educational goals for the coming year
• Superb value for money
• Experienced and enthusiastic administrative staff
• Focus on participants, not profit – any surplus ploughed back into education