From: Mon 16 Jun, 2025



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We are pleased to announce our new course on trauma-informed care. Working in palliative and end-of-life care, you will encounter people affected by trauma - whether your patients, their families and friends, your colleagues, or even yourself. Dying is an intense experience, both physically and emotionally, and as such, our workplaces can be settings where trauma resurfaces.

Recognising and addressing past and ongoing traumatic experiences requires knowledge and skills which are grounded in trauma-informed care. This face-to-face course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to fully support patients, including those with a history of trauma, in end-of-life care settings.

Course Programme LINK

Suitable for all health and social care practitioners. 

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Location: Face-to-Face (Oxford)

CPD Credits:

+ Venue

Osler House, Osler Road, Headington, Oxfordshire, OX3 9BL.

+ Speakers


Dr Mary Miller - Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Sobell House, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Medicine, University of Oxford, Director OxCERPC (Oxford Centre for education and research in palliative care) and Clinical Lead for NACEL

Dr Miller qualified from University College Cork, Ireland in 1988. She trained and worked in palliative medicine in Ireland, Sweden and the UK and has been a consultant in palliative medicine in Oxford since 1998. Dr Miller has a strong interest in education; completing a Diploma in Learning and Teaching at Oxford University 2005, was Training Programme Director and Regional Specialty Advisor (2002 – 2008) and has led the Oxford Advanced Courses in Pain and Symptom Management since 2005. She is an elected member of the Education Committee of the Association of Palliative Medicine and joint lead of the postgraduate education special interest forum. Since the inception of OxCERPC in 2017, Dr Miller and the team are focusing on building an exciting portfolio of courses, building research readiness and reaching out to practitioners across the globe.

Kate Butcher - Education Lead at OxCERPC, Nurse Specialist

Kate is the Education Lead at OxCERPC and a nurse specialist within the hospice. She brings extensive experience in district nursing and community practice development, working with staff across care homes, primary care, and acute settings. In addition to facilitating learning across a wide range of palliative care topics, Kate has been delivering communication skills training for over 14 years at all levels of competence—foundation, intermediate, and advanced. Kate has an MSc in Clinical Leadership and a Post-graduate Certificate in Psychospiritual Care.


Kate Binnie has been an HCPC registered music therapist, yoga and mindfulness teacher for 20 years. She has an MSc in palliative care and is in the final year of her UKRI-funded PhD at the Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre, Hull York Medical School. Her work explores the use of embodied skills to support people living with complex trauma in end of life care.

Dr Shaun Peter Qureshi is a palliative medicine physician and researcher. He was awarded the degree of MD at the University of Edinburgh in 2020 after successful completion of a research thesis focusing on medical education and hospital palliative care. In his clinical career, Shaun has served some of the UK's most disadvantaged communities, and his experiences have motivated him to work towards improved access to and equity of care of patients who are under-served by our current systems. Shaun was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2023, through which he is developing improved palliative and end-of-life care for people living at society's margins in the UK by learning from good practice elsewhere in the world.

+ Course Programmes

Full programme TBC
Chairs: Dr Mary Miller and Kate Butcher

10:00 Welcome and introductions

10:15 Learning from the evidence (Rebecca Salama)
Rebecca Salama will explore international research on Trauma Informed Care, providing the foundation for our discussions throughout the day. Rebecca will review key literature in palliative care, highlighting what we currently know as well as the gaps which remain.

11:15 Break

11:30 Practising in a trauma-informed way (Rebecca Salama and Dr Shaun Peter Qureshi)
In this session, we will present and discuss two case studies, examining our current practices alongside best practice. Through this discussion, we will explore how to apply our learning from these case studies into our own practice.

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Breathwork (Kate Binnie)
Kate will lead this practical session, providing tips to support trauma-informed practice with patients and their families. Kate will also guide us through some techniques to care for ourselves in challenging situations.

15:00 Break

15:20 Trauma-informed approaches to palliative and end-of-life care for people experiencing marginalisation (Dr Shaun Peter Qureshi)
Dr Qureshi will present recommendations developed from his Churchill Fellowship research, exploring trauma-informed approaches to palliative care that exist in North America, and considering how these approaches might be applied in the UK context. This session aims to inspire ideas for change for our own practice and to bring back to our workplaces.

16:15 Summary and return to practice

16:30 End of day

+ Course Aims

Understand the concept of trauma-informed care.

Become familiar with the current evidence base in palliative care.

Gain practical tips and skills to apply in your practice.